Linda’s Tips: Charity Increases Profitability

Want to have a more fulfilling business purpose? Do you fill like you are in a rut in your personal life? Exercising charity increases profitability to the bottom line and to your personal happiness meter. By exercising charity you get out of your way and gain deeper perspective. Another great practice is to list 100 things that you are grateful for. This produces more things to be grateful more.

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Focus in the moment

My beautiful Summer

Twenty-four years ago I gave birth to a beautiful six pound 13 ounce little girl. While delivering my baby girl my focus was in the moment. Nothing could have swayed that focus or diverted my attention. One of the common themes I find in meeting with my clients is the desire and need to focus. I love working with inspirational individuals that push me to be better.

These are some of the steps I have implemented and find that helps me to accomplish more than I thought possible.

1. Set aside time to plan. This step is critical. By doing so it allows for a mind dump. It’s like cleaning out and reorganizing a drawer. When you do so you can find things faster and it opens up space for being creative.

2. Set the timer. Setting a timer on specific tasks allows me to focus on what I need to do at that moment. This is especially important when utilizing social media. By doing this I am creating more discipline and at the end of the day feel like I accomplished more.

3. Turning off the bells and ringers while working on a specific task. I have found that if I turn off email while I’m working on a project be it an hour or three then I’m less distracted and can really focus in the moment. The same holds true for turning my phones to silent during the assigned period.

4. Take breaks. I worked with an incredible Chief Operating Officer who demanded that we each take a full hour lunch break. He led by example. This simple habit created more clarity for the rest of the afternoon. I find that if I have been working for two or three hours and haven’t stretched my legs or gotten a drink of water that I begin to fade in my energy level. Even taking that 10-minute break and focusing on breathing or laughing is a great boost to mental clarity and focus.

5. Create routines and stick to them. You will sleep better if you strive to get to bed and get up at the same time everyday. Planning out and using your calendar will keep you on task and focused. You can always mix it up it is your choice.

Being focused in the moment does not have to be hard. In fact it is liberating. Your energy will generate faster and your mind will be clearer.

Focus in the moment is one of the answers to fulfilling all of your goals and creating a winning edge mindset.

Three Business Power Words

Do you want to attract more clients? Are you a person that others trust? In order to build a sustainable business you need to practice and implement these three crucial words – I’ll Follow Up. Being a person of integrity is what separates the winners from the losers. Thanks for watching Linda’s tips. These tips will assist you in uncovering, realizing and accomplishing your potential. Sign up today for our FREE Newsletter.

Life and Business Planning

Zen Garden

If you don’t design your life or business someone else will. This past week I made a renewed effort to engage in business planning. It is amazing me every time I set aside time to engage in life and business planning, distractions come flying at me.

These are the strategies I employ that you might want to add in your planning process:

1. Thinking place. Where do you go to think, plan and dream? I have a few spots. The key in picking a spot is that you turn away from and turn off distractions. Perhaps some classical music would help calm you as it has been identified to increase brain activity. This helps me when I need to really focus.
2. Put it on your calendar. Years ago I took a management consulting course and the instructor stressed the practice of scheduling time to plan each month. In that planning time working on your life and business plan makes sense as it gives you time to reflect on your goals, purpose and values.
3. Just start writing. If you haven’t created a business plan in the past and feel a bit intimidated the secret is to just start writing. That is the whole purpose. You can change edit, add, and subtract from your document it is your plan. You are designing your life and business.
4. Break it up. By chunking the process you will feel motivated to tackle one thing and the momentum will breed tackling the next step. Before you know it your plan will be drafted.
5. Remember this is a living document. Once you have it completed and even while drafting keep in mind that it is not set in stone. Circumstances change, markets expand and contract. This plan is a guide and the navigational tool for success.

Your goals, objectives and dreams are possible when you put some focus and energy into planning. The next step: working the plan.

Listening – a dying art?


Recently I have been speaking to several groups on how to listen more effectively. As I have researched how this skill can be enhanced I have been amazed at the things I have learned. Some researchers have noted that listening is becoming a dying art.

First off, if we want to improve confidence then becoming a better listener is critical. If we are too busy listening to what is going on inside our own heads we will miss the opportunities of progress and fulfillment going on in the world around us.

Here are some tips to enhance your ability to listen:

1. Observe non-verbals
2. Focus on the speaker
3. Give listening cues
4. Don’t interrupt
5. Clarify points
6. Paraphrase
7. Wait for feedback

Listening – just as with anything in life can be learned. We can increase our abilities on whatever we focus on. It takes awareness and practice.

Linda’s Tip: De-clutter Your Mind – Time Management

Do you find yourself feeling overwhelmed? Do you wish there were more hours in the day? If this describes you then watch this video for tips on how to de-clutter your mind so that you can conquer the skill of time management. By freeing up mind space you will find that you sleep better at night. Freeing up space in our mind allows us to be more productive and operate at all times “in the zone.” Thanks for watching Linda’s tips. Sign up today for our FREE Newsletter.

Linda’s Tip: Positive First Impressions

What is the first impression you give others? Is it the positive first impression that you desire? This week’s tip provide suggestions on how to get feedback about your first impressions. Your first impression could be a last impression – you have the power to craft what that can be.

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Linda’s Tip: Celebrating Aging

Celebrating the aging process comes down to our mindset. Just had a birthday this last week and this was on my mind and wanted to share with you. This week’s tip provides suggestions on how to look at and cope with growing older.

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Linda’s Tip: Starting Over

Starting over doesn’t have to be scary. This week’s tip provide suggestions on how to embrace a new chapter. You can decide how to look at the process of starting again. Embracing the process will empower and energize you.

Thanks for watching Linda’s tips. Sign up today for our FREE Newsletter.

The benefits of being Positive

smiley face

This past week I read an article from my church’s monthly magazine about a woman that was struggling with a life trial. As I read this article the benefits of being positive when everything around you seems negative came to my mind. Being positive is a state of mind. Turning a frown upside down into a smile may seem difficult but it is possible.

Today I thought I would list out the benefits of being positive. Perhaps this list will help you when you feel discouraged or down.

1. Troubles seem lighter
2. Attract more positive happenings
3. Attract more positive individuals into your life
4. Less stress
5. More money
6. Healthier relationships
7. Fulfillment
8. Better health
9. Clarity of mind
10. Possibility mindset

These benefits are immediate once you choose to embrace positivity. The power is within each one of us. We have the ability to be positive. The benefits of being positive impact us in every facet, stage and season of life. Positivity equates to abundance. Isn’t abundance and happiness what we all are seeking?