Goal Setting

Goal Setting Impossible

What do you really want? What passions drive your actions? Where do you want to be in 5 years? In 10 years? What steps have you taken to get there?

There is a lot of information out there about goal setting. If you haven’t read a book on goal setting I would encourage you to do so. Some individuals in the world have never set a goal in their life. The magic of goal setting is that it gives you a purpose. By having that purpose, you are able to craft the life and business you desire.

The following are five practices I have implemented in my life to accomplish my own goals. I would encourage you to read them and begin applying them to your own aspirations.

1. Write goals down
2. Look at them every day
3. Write the goal in a positive, personal, and present tense.
4. Assign a date to have the goal completed
5. Have an accountability partner

Having goals that inspire you will create a passion and fire to accomplish them. Sometimes it can be easy to fall into the trap of achieving others’ goals instead of your own. Being clear about what you really want to accomplish will open the doorway to achieving more than you ever thought possible.

This has happened to me on numerous occasions. One of the most inspirational goals for me to achieve was to cross every state’s border in the United States and complete a run. Why this was such an amazing goal for me to achieve was it utilized deep strategic planning skills. Being creative financially in order to make that goal happen was challenging and fun at the same time. Pushing myself further and harder than I thought I could was also a great blessing. Lastly the feeling of accomplishment after running in my 50th state. It was exhilarating knowing that I did something hard and achieved a milestone in my life.

One of the ways I kept myself motivated was by tracking my progress on a map. After I ran in each state I would put a pin on the map to mark it off. I ran 40 of those states in 2 ½ years. It was an amazing experience.

What do you really want? Setting goals for what you desire is the next step to achieving success and realizing the potential you hold in your hand.

Focus in the moment

My beautiful Summer

Twenty-four years ago I gave birth to a beautiful six pound 13 ounce little girl. While delivering my baby girl my focus was in the moment. Nothing could have swayed that focus or diverted my attention. One of the common themes I find in meeting with my clients is the desire and need to focus. I love working with inspirational individuals that push me to be better.

These are some of the steps I have implemented and find that helps me to accomplish more than I thought possible.

1. Set aside time to plan. This step is critical. By doing so it allows for a mind dump. It’s like cleaning out and reorganizing a drawer. When you do so you can find things faster and it opens up space for being creative.

2. Set the timer. Setting a timer on specific tasks allows me to focus on what I need to do at that moment. This is especially important when utilizing social media. By doing this I am creating more discipline and at the end of the day feel like I accomplished more.

3. Turning off the bells and ringers while working on a specific task. I have found that if I turn off email while I’m working on a project be it an hour or three then I’m less distracted and can really focus in the moment. The same holds true for turning my phones to silent during the assigned period.

4. Take breaks. I worked with an incredible Chief Operating Officer who demanded that we each take a full hour lunch break. He led by example. This simple habit created more clarity for the rest of the afternoon. I find that if I have been working for two or three hours and haven’t stretched my legs or gotten a drink of water that I begin to fade in my energy level. Even taking that 10-minute break and focusing on breathing or laughing is a great boost to mental clarity and focus.

5. Create routines and stick to them. You will sleep better if you strive to get to bed and get up at the same time everyday. Planning out and using your calendar will keep you on task and focused. You can always mix it up it is your choice.

Being focused in the moment does not have to be hard. In fact it is liberating. Your energy will generate faster and your mind will be clearer.

Focus in the moment is one of the answers to fulfilling all of your goals and creating a winning edge mindset.