Happiness Comes Through Sacrifice


What have you sacrificed to meet your goals? Lately I have been learning a lot about what I can live without. What I thought were needs has changed to be wants.

Sacrificing brings blessings. I know it can be hard at times to sacrifice. It seems like those are the times that the outcome is sweeter. For instance, when you want to buy that pair of shoes that cost a lot of money and it’s not in your budget. You have a choice, go into debt, go without something else or wait.

Our society is a “got to have it now” society. I believe we have lost the art of sacrifice. I have found that when I step back and check why I believe I need something I become clearer about my priorities. Here are some questions I use to make a wise decision:

1. Will it help me reach my long-term goal?
2. Will it help others reach their goals?
3. What is the harm in waiting?
4. What is the harm in not waiting?
5. How will practicing control make me stronger?

These may not be comfortable questions. Sacrifice isn’t comfortable – but it is worth it in the long run. As we sacrifice our wants to help another there are positive chemicals that ignite in our brains. Those chemicals make us feel happy. That provides the answer to why it is always better to give than receive. What are you willing to sacrifice to get your goals? What will be the benefit of reaching your goals? As you stay focused on those benefits the path will be easier.

May you reap the blessing that sacrifice provides and may it fill your life with beauty!

Listening – The Secret To Success

This past weekend I was cleaning my desk and came across a personality profile assessment I had taken years ago. As I reviewed this assessment one of the concerns or potential problem areas mentioned was my ability to listen. This assessment is now seven years old. I hope that if I were to take it again today listening would not be an indicator for concern!

As a coach and consultant, listening is critical to success. Listening – deep concerted listening is a skill we all can get. One of the best ways I have found to build this skill is to check-in and see if I’m present in the conversation.

To check-in I reflect back in my head first, what the individual I was talking to said and then reflect back to them what I heard. Another strategy I use is to turn-off and away from all distractions.

When meeting with a client on the phone, I turn off email and other noise making alert devices. That enables me to focus on what someone said and to seek for the meaning of what is not spoken.

Great leaders are great listeners. Thus if you want to aspire to leadership opportunities then working on your listening skills is imperative. Another benefit of listening is that your confidence will increase.

Listening is a fundamental principle and if applied to every part of our life will enhance our experience. If you want to connect on a deeper level with your children – stop talking and listen. Ask open-ended questions and then stay focused on their answers. The more you do so the deeper your relationship will become.

I am grateful for the lessons I have had in business and life on the importance of being present and focusing on how to be a better listener. Now when I take an assessment, listening will be one of my strengths rather than a concern.

Goal Setting

Goal Setting Impossible

What do you really want? What passions drive your actions? Where do you want to be in 5 years? In 10 years? What steps have you taken to get there?

There is a lot of information out there about goal setting. If you haven’t read a book on goal setting I would encourage you to do so. Some individuals in the world have never set a goal in their life. The magic of goal setting is that it gives you a purpose. By having that purpose, you are able to craft the life and business you desire.

The following are five practices I have implemented in my life to accomplish my own goals. I would encourage you to read them and begin applying them to your own aspirations.

1. Write goals down
2. Look at them every day
3. Write the goal in a positive, personal, and present tense.
4. Assign a date to have the goal completed
5. Have an accountability partner

Having goals that inspire you will create a passion and fire to accomplish them. Sometimes it can be easy to fall into the trap of achieving others’ goals instead of your own. Being clear about what you really want to accomplish will open the doorway to achieving more than you ever thought possible.

This has happened to me on numerous occasions. One of the most inspirational goals for me to achieve was to cross every state’s border in the United States and complete a run. Why this was such an amazing goal for me to achieve was it utilized deep strategic planning skills. Being creative financially in order to make that goal happen was challenging and fun at the same time. Pushing myself further and harder than I thought I could was also a great blessing. Lastly the feeling of accomplishment after running in my 50th state. It was exhilarating knowing that I did something hard and achieved a milestone in my life.

One of the ways I kept myself motivated was by tracking my progress on a map. After I ran in each state I would put a pin on the map to mark it off. I ran 40 of those states in 2 ½ years. It was an amazing experience.

What do you really want? Setting goals for what you desire is the next step to achieving success and realizing the potential you hold in your hand.

Mastering Body Language


Body Language is a fascinating topic. Have you ever noticed that it is fun to watch others, imitate and may I dare say make fun of them? However, when it comes to our own individual body language, we have blinders on what our non-verbals are saying to others. By mastering our own individual body language we are able to uncover our potential.

Little things such as fidgeting, playing with your hair, or slouching are all indicators of how we view our self and what we are communicating to the outside world. The more confident you are the more your body will communicate that feeling to yourself and others. By changing how we hold our bodies we can change how productive and successful we are.

Take the next 15 minutes and observe the following:

1. What are you doing with your legs?
2. Are you slumping in a chair or sitting with your back straight?
3. Look at others around you – notice their posture
4. Notice those whose hands are clasped or touching their neck
5. What about your facial expressions? Do you look pleasant or stern a majority of the time?

Being aware of our body and how we are holding it as we work throughout the day, network at events, or present in a boardroom, will provide a framework on how we can improve our ability to communicate more effectively. Oftentimes our non-verbal language is killing our ability to persuade and influence. Influence is not just for the outside world. Scientists have found that what you do with your body influences your inside mental and emotional world.

By being clear about what your body language is saying to others you will be more equipped to make the changes you need to increase your confidence, obtain higher productivity and achieve a more positive mental framework. Your body language is key to reaching your goals!

Kicking Email Time Management Blues


Do you feel overwhelmed with your email inbox? Perhaps you have experienced email time management blues. I have! Kicking these blues seems to be a journey rather than a one-time event.

Comments from friends such “Linda, only touch things once.” I know this deep down but putting it into practice is a little difficult from me. My inbox can get up to a 1,000 emails pretty quickly.

One of the practices that I am trying to implement is to NOT look at my email every few minutes. Putting my iphone aside and turning off Outlook when I’m working on other projects helps me cut the distraction of email.

I am a big believer in responding to all email. One of the values I employ is to be responsive to my clients. That is one of the ways I energize my image. Balancing being responsive and productive seems to be the catalyst to effective email time management.

Another trick is setting aside times in the day to deal with email. That one takes discipline. One of my latest practices has been to group emails that are non-essential and delete. Having email folders is a great way to keep organized. Filtering email is also a huge help. Now, if I could only figure out how to do that on my Macbook with Outlook…

I would love to hear your best practices to email time management.

The Image Energizer

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A few months ago I was meeting with a colleague of mine while at Starbucks and discussing my quest for clarity with regard to my brand. Pretty comical that I coach and consult on branding and yet would struggle to determine my focused message.

She told me at the meeting that it would come to me. I have to admit I am extremely impatient, just ask my kids! I am the type of person that likes to check off my to-do list and get it done. Thinking and wrestling about what my brand should be was a big undertaking and had tears of frustration that accompanied the process.

Then one morning after tossing idea after idea with my husband, children, advisory team and even siblings, the message crystalized to The Image Energizer. This has been such a big AHA for me. Once it came, it felt right and at the end of the day it doesn’t matter if anyone else approves.

I realize that this journey of clarification is a process and embodies my life’s work, passion and opportunity. I will be sharing more about what this means and how you can benefit in the next few months.

Today, I am really grateful for answers to prayers, the path of challenge and an incredible team that supports. The journey creates the fabric of success and opportunity. What is it that you need clarity on? Reach out and let’s explore together.

Linda’s Tips: How Color Influences Us

Color has more power than we realize. Color influences the way we feel and how others see us and how we see ourselves. There is an energy that is emitted from the various colors all around us.

Have you ever noticed that when you walk into a room that is painted in a light baby blue tone that it feels cooler than walking into a room that is painted yellow. The energy the color puts off is tangible and used in all the marketing around us.

What are the colors you wearing saying about you? What do you want spoken about you? Color has great power and influence. It can recharge your mind, give you clarity or make your heart beat faster.

Take time to visit your closet and your marketing materials today to gage what the colors that are in your wheelhouse saying to the world.

Thanks for watching Linda’s tips. These tips will assist you in uncovering, realizing and accomplishing your potential. Sign up today for our FREE Newsletter! www.LHYatesconsulting.com