Blessing of a Work Ethic

Farm Work

Are you one that loves to work or are you one that runs from it? This ethic can be a blessing. Just like everything else, your perspective makes the difference.

I have shared bits about my background with you. I grew up in a family that valued work. My siblings continue to do so today. I am thankful that my parents taught me the power of this ethic. My life has been blessed in more ways than I can count because this principle was taught and lived.

I have found work as a solace when grief or disappointments have come up in my life. Some might even say I’m a workaholic. I’m working on that as well!

What in your life or business needs more of your focused effort? Perhaps a project you have been putting off? A relationship that needs strengthening? When you are passionate about your work then it may not feel like a task rather an opportunity. I can relate to that feeling as I speak.

Speaking in front of audiences is like breathing to me. I love it and I feel renewed from it. There is the work before and the work after the actual speech. Putting my head down and going to work on a speech that will inform and inspire is where the preparation pays off.

It is through our hard work that we realize the fulfillment of our goals. You can do anything you set your mind to. I have seen that in my life.

Teaching your children this value will pay off for them as well. Your attitude is everything. When a task needs completed, the way you attack that task will make all the difference. Embracing it and staying positive will make it go faster and give you deeper fulfillment.

Off to work I go!

Linda H. Yates – The Image Energizer is a highly sought Keynote Speaker, Executive Coach and Corporate Trainer. She has produced over 250 educational seminars on helping individuals and businesses uncover, realize and accomplish their goals. Host of The Executive Edge podcast and author of the audio course and workbook 6 Steps to ENERGIZE Your Personal Brand, Linda Yates believes that NOTHING is Impossible!