Head Trash – You can eliminate it!
This past week I was networking with a gentleman that admitted he was nervous to get on stage and present to a group of donors and CEOs of major companies in the area. He mentioned that he wasn’t usually nervous to speak in front of groups that were half the size. As he was speaking I was able to change his state by telling him this was head trash.
What are you allowing in your head? You have more power than you realize in controlling your thoughts and reactions to those thoughts. Here are some keys to make certain you are eliminating head trash:
1. Not buying into negative thinking – when you start thinking that you can’t; turn that thought around to “what if” – what if is a possibility statement. Success could be on the other side of that question. My brother shared a great quote he saw “You Can If You will.”
2. Reflect on a past success – when you begin to doubt, go back into your memory bank to a success you experienced. Think about what was going on in your head and copy those feelings and emotions.
3. Take the anxiety and turn it into excitement – rather than stamping out the fear use it to power through the head trash.
We are capable of more than we realize. Just as an athlete trains to make a touchdown or win a race, it all starts in our head. Don’t let head trash stop you from achieving your goals and experiencing opportunities that could move you to the next level. Your winning edge is just a thought away.