Happiness Comes Through Sacrifice


What have you sacrificed to meet your goals? Lately I have been learning a lot about what I can live without. What I thought were needs has changed to be wants.

Sacrificing brings blessings. I know it can be hard at times to sacrifice. It seems like those are the times that the outcome is sweeter. For instance, when you want to buy that pair of shoes that cost a lot of money and it’s not in your budget. You have a choice, go into debt, go without something else or wait.

Our society is a “got to have it now” society. I believe we have lost the art of sacrifice. I have found that when I step back and check why I believe I need something I become clearer about my priorities. Here are some questions I use to make a wise decision:

1. Will it help me reach my long-term goal?
2. Will it help others reach their goals?
3. What is the harm in waiting?
4. What is the harm in not waiting?
5. How will practicing control make me stronger?

These may not be comfortable questions. Sacrifice isn’t comfortable – but it is worth it in the long run. As we sacrifice our wants to help another there are positive chemicals that ignite in our brains. Those chemicals make us feel happy. That provides the answer to why it is always better to give than receive. What are you willing to sacrifice to get your goals? What will be the benefit of reaching your goals? As you stay focused on those benefits the path will be easier.

May you reap the blessing that sacrifice provides and may it fill your life with beauty!

TEE 021: How To Coach Others – Linda Yates

Businessman blowing whistle

In episode 21 of The Executive Edge I will share with you how to coach others. A few weeks ago I was asked the question of what I do. A great question and it made me think about the coaching process. We all have different occasions where we may be assisting others in their role to accomplish a specific task or solve a problem. This episode will provide best practices, the process and framework to help you in all of your coaching roles.

Whether its a co-worker, employee, child, or friend there are steps to keep in mind. As an certified professional executive coach the process has some overlap. The following highlights from this podcast will give you what you need to be successful with all you may have to coach:

3 T’s to be aware
– Training
– Tools
– Time

What is the motivation factor?

Questions to ask those you are coaching

Best practices during “The Coaching Session”
– Private setting
– Turn off distractions
– Allow plenty of time
– Focusing on the goal
– Positive and friendly mindset
– Specific reason
– Express concern about performance (your concerns)
– Impact on you and others regarding the performance
– Acknowledge and listen to what is said
– Seek ideas to solve the issue
– Discuss the probability of the suggested solutions
– Agree on the solution and actions to take
– Follow up on the progress
– Praise positive results

Thank you for listening to The Executive Edge podcast! Please share your thoughts, comments and topics you would like covered in the comment section below. What would you like to learn more about in a training episode?

Sign up for our FREE newsletter @ www.LindaHYates.com!

Blessing of a Work Ethic

Farm Work

Are you one that loves to work or are you one that runs from it? This ethic can be a blessing. Just like everything else, your perspective makes the difference.

I have shared bits about my background with you. I grew up in a family that valued work. My siblings continue to do so today. I am thankful that my parents taught me the power of this ethic. My life has been blessed in more ways than I can count because this principle was taught and lived.

I have found work as a solace when grief or disappointments have come up in my life. Some might even say I’m a workaholic. I’m working on that as well!

What in your life or business needs more of your focused effort? Perhaps a project you have been putting off? A relationship that needs strengthening? When you are passionate about your work then it may not feel like a task rather an opportunity. I can relate to that feeling as I speak.

Speaking in front of audiences is like breathing to me. I love it and I feel renewed from it. There is the work before and the work after the actual speech. Putting my head down and going to work on a speech that will inform and inspire is where the preparation pays off.

It is through our hard work that we realize the fulfillment of our goals. You can do anything you set your mind to. I have seen that in my life.

Teaching your children this value will pay off for them as well. Your attitude is everything. When a task needs completed, the way you attack that task will make all the difference. Embracing it and staying positive will make it go faster and give you deeper fulfillment.

Off to work I go!

Linda H. Yates – The Image Energizer is a highly sought Keynote Speaker, Executive Coach and Corporate Trainer. She has produced over 250 educational seminars on helping individuals and businesses uncover, realize and accomplish their goals. Host of The Executive Edge podcast and author of the audio course and workbook 6 Steps to ENERGIZE Your Personal Brand, Linda Yates believes that NOTHING is Impossible!

TEE 019: 2 Teenage Young Entrepreneurs Sound-Off

Rachel Zietz

How old do you have to be to start your own business? Episode 19 of The Executive Edge highlights not just one but two teenage young entrepreneurs along with Sonya Deros, the Program Manager for the Golden Bell and YEA program at the Boca Raton Chamber of Commerce. Jordan Zietz

Our future lies in the hands of some amazing youth! These two young entrepreneurs are a great example to us all how we can uncover, realize and accomplish our potential.

Sonya Deros
Sonya Deros joined the Boca Chamber team in May 2014. Her focus is to expand the success and awareness of the Golden Bell Education Foundation and the Young Entrepreneurs Academy. As a United States Coast Guard Veteran, Sonya felt the pull of the South Florida waters and left the snowy hills of New Hampshire to start her life in South Florida about two years ago. Her background was in hospitality. She was a successful Sales Manager/Event Planner at the Hanover Inn at Dartmouth College, and Membership and Marketing Manager for the New Hampshire Lodging and Restaurant Association.

Jordan Zietz is a student attending Pine Crest School. Jordan is currently enrolled in the Young Entrepreneurs Academy and is a member of the National Junior Beta Club. He currently lives in South Florida, and lives with his 2 sisters and his parents.

Rachel Zietz is a 9th grader at Pine Crest School in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. She is fourteen years old and lives in South Florida with her family. She is also a member of the National Beta Club at her school and plays on two competitive lacrosse teams. She competes at the national and regional levels. As a lacrosse player Rachel excels in the attack and midfield positions. Rachel Zietz is also running her own company that she began in the 7th grade – Gladiator Lacrosse, LLC.

What we learned from this episode:
– That your age doesn’t matter in order to be successful.
– The two ingredients to realize success.
– YEA program that teaches young entrepreneurs.
– How family fun can teach success skills.
– How vision is critical to reaching our potential.

I know you will enjoy this inspiring and fun interview. You can check out Rachel Zietz’s website at www.gladiatorlacrosse.com.

To connect with Sonya to learn more about the YEA program send her an email at: sderos@bocachamber.com.

Thank you for listening to The Executive Edge podcast! Please share your thoughts, comments and topics you would like covered in the comment section below.

Sign up for our FREE newsletter @ www.LindaHYates.com

TEE 018: George Horrigan – Creating a Thriving Business


In episode 18 we learn that 80% of those polled want to own their own business. During the past 17 years our guest George Horrigan has shown over 1,200 people how to grow an existing business or start a new one. He is the author or four books with a new book titled,”Work Less, Make More and Have Fun in Your Business” due out in 2015.

He is a noted Innovation and Business Planning Expert, has started and operated 7 companies, and is Founder and CEO of Fountainhead Consulting Group, Inc.

When he is not showing people how to create the business of their dreams, you’ll find him playing with Isabelle, Jeremiah or Zechariah or hiking in the North Georgia Mountains.

Here are some of the highlights:
– Vision is the foundation to success.
– Systems are the roadmap to achieve the vision
– Innovation is the key to separate yourself from the competition
– How to create a vision
– The wisdom gained from past experiences
– How to turn failure into a framework
– Building blocks to a successful business
– Balancing work and life effectively

In order to create a thriving business the key is to build a economic factory through systems, innovation and vision.

To connect with George goto to his website: www.FountainheadConsultingGroup.com or george.horrigan@fountainheadconsultinggroup.com.

You can also find his book “Creating a Thriving Business” on Amazon.

Thank you for listening to The Executive Edge podcast! Please share your thoughts, comments and topics you would like covered in the comment section below.

Sign up for our FREE newsletter @ www.LindaHYates.com!

Systems Magnify Productivity


There are lots of ways to do our tasks from day-to-day. The most efficient path is through systems. Systems have the power to magnify our productivity in every task we undertake. You may not think that you use systems throughout your day. If I were to follow you around all day, (not in a creepy kind of way), I bet we would find all sorts of systems you have implemented. You might not even realize it.

When I moved to Florida years ago I stayed with a friend and they had in their entryway a plate for keys to go. I thought what a great idea! We instituted this process. As we come in and out throughout the day we drop our keys on the plate. This has solved the problem of searching for keys when running out the door to an appointment.

Another system is to park your car in roughly the same place or area each day you go to work. That solves having to look for your car at the end of the day. This is a simple example of daily systems to create efficiency.

Having systems in your business is smart. Implementing checklists is even smarter. I read this great book called “The Checklist Manifesto” by Atul Gawande. In it he explores how checklists are important for every type of business. I have been utilizing checklists and the stress reduction has been awesome!

As I continue to grow and evolve these systems will be a critical piece of my business to grow. As new vendors and employees come to work with me the learning curve shortened. Systems give you clarity so that you can spend your time in more creative ways.

I challenge you to put in place systems. You can also change or drop them but having them will free you up to do more of what you want to do.

Breaking Through Barriers

What barriers do you need to break through? What is holding you back from achieving the goals you seek? Linda H. Yates The Image Energizer shares how breaking through barriers is the path to success.

As an adult I started on a journey to improve my smile. I got braces at age 47! Little did I know at that time what challenge it would be to correct my smile. Confidence is the underlying principle to reaching all of our goals. These past two years has been a hit on my self-image. I realized that I was letting my self-conscious thoughts of the braces I’m wearing impact my stepping out and achieving my goals. This has been a self imposed mental barrier.

One of the best ways to experience a breakthrough is to list how holding back from reaching to achieve your goals is affecting you. Keeping your mindset in a possibility framework will aid you in uncovering, realizing and accomplishing your potential.

If you desire more executive presence then breaking through your self-imposed mental barriers is the answer.

Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel in order to get all the latest tips to energize your image so that you can uncover, realize and accomplish your potential.
Thank you for watching this tip! Sign up for more image and success tips here @ www.LindaHYates.com – Have a wonderful day!

Music provided by FREESFX

Linda H. Yates – The Image Energizer is a highly-sought Keynote Speaker, Executive Coach and Corporate Trainer. She has produced over 250 educational seminars on helping individuals and businesses uncover, realize and accomplish their goals. Author of Beyond the Clothes and the audio course and workbook 6 Steps to ENERGIZE Your Personal Brand, Linda Yates believes that NOTHING is Impossible!

Benefits of Innovation

Old Computer

I am amazed at the inventions that others come up with. I have never looked at myself as an innovator. Yet, I value innovation and understand the strength it can be.

One of the things I’ve realized is that innovation doesn’t have to be big or move the earth. Even something as simple as a paperclip. Think about it. By bending a small wire into a shape that could hold a few papers together, that changed the ability to organize your paperwork.

As I have been building a business I realize that time is precious. Seeking out innovative ways to do different tasks is critical to my long-term success. I am so grateful for my laptop, phone and the internet! When I started working a long time ago, computers were slow. I would turn on the computer and while the computer was booting, I could go down the hall to pick up the mail before it had completed its process. Now, by just lifting my laptop screen I am able to be off and running to do my tasks.

Using our imagination is free and can be such a gift. Recently I met a CEO who is an inventor. His first invention was when he was 17 years old. He comes from a family of inventors. I interviewed him for The Executive Edge podcast – check it out here: https://lhyatesconsulting.com/tee-011-max-silver-innovation-way-success/

One of the ways I love to innovate is through cooking. The kitchen to me is like a chemistry lab. I love to make things from scratch. The opportunity to innovate occurs when a recipe calls for something that you don’t have. Thank heaven for Google! Thinking outside the box is how innovation can improve our reality.

Our brain is an amazing gift! The question of “what if” – is where we can tap into the possibility to enhance our life and business. I would love to hear how you have innovated. Who knows, you might give me an idea or two!


Linda Yates

What are you passionate about? How do you define passion? My definition is that my heart, soul and mind become consumed and it makes me smile. There are a lot of different things that I am passionate about here is a list:
1. God
2. Family
3. Health
4. Work
5. People
6. Sun
7. Music

I believe that when passion exists – life is easier. All the tasks I have to undertake become lighter. The question then arises: Can you make yourself feel passion when it is lacking? I believe the answer is yes! Here are a few tips that I have implemented in my daily life when I need to feel more:

1. Get curious. When my energy is lacking I try to find something that I can learn more about.
2. Balance. There are some days that I get out of balance. Those are the days I stop and take a breath.
3. Say no. When I dig to find passion and it’s just not there, I say no. That is something hard for me to do – but at times necessary.
4. Set goals. By setting goals I am able to get excited and determination grows.
5. Reflect on what I love. As I reflect on what has inspired me in the past, I have more energy for what I’m currently working on.

Passion is the critical factor in pressing forward when you feel discouraged or frustrated. Asking yourself “why” will bring you back to your higher purpose. As you reaffirm your purpose, you will find renewed strength to move forward.

Passion is the spice of life. When you can put it in place into all areas of your life then the magic is yours to enjoy!



The late 90’s were a period of testing for me as it relates to integrity. I recall once a co-worker who I will call “Cindy” commented that I had and showed great integrity. That statement has been a measuring stick for me through the years that have followed.

This trait seems to be lacking in many organizations and individuals. When you try to take a shortcut around integrity you only end up hurting yourself. I saw this firsthand. I had a senior level manager tell me that he heard that my position with a company I was working for might be eliminated. Instead of asking the owner of the company if this was true, I allowed myself to go down a path with an employee that did not show integrity. I should have confronted the situation.

That experience taught me a great deal. The first lesson that faith and fear cannot live in the same space. Second, I sold my integrity based on the fear of losing a paycheck. Choosing the right can be a lonely path. Keeping your integrity intact, is the path to peace.

Currently, I am reading a book called Integrity Selling – Ron Willingham. In this book he shares several Integrity Selling Success Principles. One of my favorites is:

“Selling success is more an issue of who you are than what you know. While knowledge is necessary, sustained success comes to the person who’s driven by strong values and ethics.”

This statement is so true. We buy people. When we make the decision to trust or invest our resources, the who is the deciding factor. If you desire to build a stronger business or happier life check your values. Integrity does not have varying degrees. You either have it and show it or you don’t.

I know that when you have integrity success will be sure to come.