The Future

2012-10-22 12.12.03

What would you like your future to look like? This may be a question that is hard for you to answer. For years, I struggled to articulate what I wanted in life, business and the future.

Now, I can say I know what I want the future to be. Setting goals has always been a part of my DNA. If you have never set a goal in your life I challenge you now to set one. About a month ago I was listening to a speaker that spoke of writing down 101 goals or things to do by the age of 80. I took this challenge. It was a lot of fun to think about all the different areas of my life and list what would be meaningful for me to achieve.

Here are some of the items on my list:
1. Travel to all my Bucket List destinations
2. Be Debt Free
3. Interviewed by Oprah
4. Set up a foundation for youth
5. Own a Jet Ski

As I listed these items I began to visualize them already in my life. I can’t wait to cross them off as each year passes.

At times, planning for the future may be a frightening thought. The future may seem bleak or scary. When you start exercising faith, you will be able to see past the trial right now. There are good things to come. One way to insure positive happenings, is to work on your goals each day.

Your mindset is the key to unlocking a positive future. Take a few minutes and track your thoughts for the past 30 minutes. Were they more positive or negative in nature? If they were negative it is imperative that you start feeding your mind positive thoughts.

Here are a few suggestions to turn negative thoughts around:
1. Count your blessings
2. Smile at a stranger
3. Think about your favorite things

We are what we think about. That is why I have decided that planning and working everyday on my goals is the best strategy to a fulfilling and happy life. If you would like me to help you craft your future, please email me at We will begin your journey to the future of your dreams.