Kicking Doubts


How are you kicking your doubts today? The word doubt is not as strong as the word fear. Yet, if you let doubt fill your mind and heart then fear can take over. I’ve heard it said that what you write and speak about is what you are currently struggling with. I am a positive person. I have also struggled with doubt and fear throughout my life and business.

Mindset and controlling your mind are subjects that fascinate me. I guess it is because I believe deep down that nothing is impossible. I believe that you each can achieve more than what you think possible.

When an innovative idea or even a dream comes to mind, it can be easy to dismiss the idea. Letting your doubts form is a surefire way to stopping growth.

Here are some of the doubts that I have:

1. I’m not good enough
2. That is not my reality
3. I need more resources
4. Will those I love approve?
5. Will I have time?

Perhaps you can relate to some or all. Why is it that doubts can creep in? Are you believing or buying into someone else’s doubts and insecurities? If you are to uncover, realize and accomplish your potential then it is critical that you learn to starve your doubts.

Here are five strategies that you can implement:

1. Look at your goal’s morning and night
2. Change negative thoughts to positive affirmations
3. Disengage from naysayers
4. Reflect on past wins
5. Ask “what if” questions

I know that if you integrate these strategies into your life you will be able to accomplish more than you ever dreamed. Kicking doubts will become a skill that will open up energy in every aspect of your life.