Linda’s Tip: Impact of Thank You Notes

Want to leave a lasting impression? The impact of the Thank You note will leave the receiver with a positive lasting impression of you. Thank you notes are the little details that pull a lot of punch in helping you build your brand.

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Linda’s Tip: Why Mission Statements are Important

What’s your mission? Have you identified it? If not, get a piece of paper and draft out what your purpose is in business, family and your individual life. Why are mission statements important? If you don’t design your life, someone else will.

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Linda’s Tip of the Week: Importance of Values

Have you ever considered what values you utilize in your day whether it be in your business or personal life? Want a winning edge? List out today what you value. By identifying your values you will be able to determine whether or not you are achieving all you desire. Realizing the importance of values and how they impact your ability to be successful is yet another tool to build the life, team and business you desire.

Linda’s Tip of the Week: Fueling your Energy Level

Tip of the week – You are what you eat! Want more energy? Change the fuel you are putting into your body. If we consistently remember throughout the day and especially at night when we are tired and craving salt and sugar fueling our energy level is key to creating a winning edge.

Linda’s Tip of the Week: Listening Builds Confidence

If you want to have more confidence practice listening! Listening builds confidence. Listening also helps you become a more effective leader.

We want to be around confident individuals. When we are around confident individuals, we feel more at ease.

We all love to connect with individuals in organizations who truly listen to us. We can create a more successful and fulfilling life when we practice active listening.

You can tell when others are not “really” listening. To be an effective listener, the individual needs to feel he/she understands. This lets the one speaking feel validated and important.