The Image Energizer

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A few months ago I was meeting with a colleague of mine while at Starbucks and discussing my quest for clarity with regard to my brand. Pretty comical that I coach and consult on branding and yet would struggle to determine my focused message.

She told me at the meeting that it would come to me. I have to admit I am extremely impatient, just ask my kids! I am the type of person that likes to check off my to-do list and get it done. Thinking and wrestling about what my brand should be was a big undertaking and had tears of frustration that accompanied the process.

Then one morning after tossing idea after idea with my husband, children, advisory team and even siblings, the message crystalized to The Image Energizer. This has been such a big AHA for me. Once it came, it felt right and at the end of the day it doesn’t matter if anyone else approves.

I realize that this journey of clarification is a process and embodies my life’s work, passion and opportunity. I will be sharing more about what this means and how you can benefit in the next few months.

Today, I am really grateful for answers to prayers, the path of challenge and an incredible team that supports. The journey creates the fabric of success and opportunity. What is it that you need clarity on? Reach out and let’s explore together.

Linda’s Tips: Speaking Off the Cuff

Have you ever been asked a question by your boss and were caught off guard? Speaking off the cuff can be an art that is mastered. Practice makes perfect. The more you push past your comfort zone the better you will become at speaking off the cuff.

The tendency in responding to a question you are not expecting is to use crutch words such as: ah, um and you know. One of the best ways to respond to something that catches you off guard is to pause and collect your thoughts. After doing so and supplying your response it will center you and your thoughts. You will come across more knowledgeable and confident.

Toastmasters is a great organization to practice speaking off the cuff. You get to practice at each meeting through Table Topics. If you don’t have time to join a Toastmasters near you then have a friend or colleague fire questions at you that you are not expecting. Take a moment to pause and then respond.

You will become a pro at speaking off the cuff in no time!

Thanks for watching Linda’s tips. These tips will assist you in uncovering, realizing and accomplishing your potential. Sign up today for our FREE Newsletter.

Linda’s Tips: What is your body language saying?

What is your body saying about you? When you are conversing with others does your body language illustrate openness or is your body putting off negative closed signals? The way we use our body when trying to persuade someone to our ideas is critical to success.

As mentioned earlier, 93% of communication is non-verbal. 58% is represented by how we use our body to communicate. The way you hold your body also impacts how you view yourself. If you want to appear and FEEL more confident start watching your personal body language as you interact with others throughout your day.

You can increase your effectiveness as a leader by being aware of the non verbals you project. By being aware of what your body language is saying to others will be the key to unlock your next level to success. Are your ready to turn the key?

Thanks for watching Linda’s tips. These tips will assist you in uncovering, realizing and accomplishing your potential. Sign up today for our FREE Newsletter.

Linda’s Tips: How To Write A Speech

Do you get writer’s block when asked to write a speech? How to write a speech is one of the top questions that professionals ask. In this week’s tip Linda provides the way to be effective in speechwriting. As you write your speech keep in mind what your main point is. What is the take away you want your audience to walk away with? By implementing this tip you will become a pro before you know it when writing a speech for whatever occasion. How to write a speech will become second nature and you will be able to focus on the delivery.

Thanks for watching Linda’s tips. These tips will assist you in uncovering, realizing and accomplishing your potential. Sign up today for our FREE Newsletter.

How to become a Powerful Public Speaker

Are you afraid to speak in public? Do you freeze up or get tongue tied when your boss asks you a question? This week’s tip suggests a way to conquer the fear of speaking in public. It is possible to become an excellent, exciting and interesting public speaker. Fear doesn’t have to hold you back. There is a organization that can teach you how to become a powerful public speaker – this organization is most likely right in your neighborhood.

Thanks for watching Linda’s tips. These tips will assist you in uncovering, realizing and accomplishing your potential. Sign up today for our FREE Newsletter.

Linda’s Tip: Positive First Impressions

What is the first impression you give others? Is it the positive first impression that you desire? This week’s tip provide suggestions on how to get feedback about your first impressions. Your first impression could be a last impression – you have the power to craft what that can be.

Thanks for watching Linda’s tips. Sign up today for our FREE Newsletter.

Linda’s Tip: Starting Over

Starting over doesn’t have to be scary. This week’s tip provide suggestions on how to embrace a new chapter. You can decide how to look at the process of starting again. Embracing the process will empower and energize you.

Thanks for watching Linda’s tips. Sign up today for our FREE Newsletter.

Water, Sun and Music – Energy Fix


What feeds your energy level? Water, sun and music are my elixirs! Water: I love the peacefulness of a waterfall, the strength of the ocean and the creativity of a creek. The sun provides light and joy to my spirit. When basking in the sun my heartbeat lowers which calms me. Basking in the sun also allows me to meditate and create. Lastly, music in all varieties but especially big band! The mood that music creates is energizing in a variety of settings.

It’s important to realize where we can tap into our energy source. If you don’t feed your energy source then you run the risk of not functioning at the highest level or at all. When you need that extra energy boost and realize where the healthiest avenue exists, it will aid you in overcoming blocks – mental, emotional and physical.

List out today what energy source turns you into the person you desire to be. Then let the ideas and opportunities flow to endless possibilities.

What is success?

What is success?

What is success?

Some would say success is profitability or being financially well-off. Others would term success as notoriety and fame. What is success? When reviewing this topic I found myself really going deep into my mental framework and discovering how I define success and what makes me successful. In the next few minutes let me open up the vault of what makes up my psyche to you.

My definition of success is a combination of financial wealth, notoriety and connectedness in all of my relationships, to name a few. The goals to “have it all” in every facet of my life are the driving force for me personally. I’m a Libra and while I don’t follow astrology, the sign for Libra is that of the scale which symbolizes balance. I strive for balance in all that I undertake. Sometimes finding balance that is hard to do, other times it is easier and a rhythm or getting in “the zone” occurs.

First, defining what is important to me and what I value helps me create my goals in the different areas of my life. For instance one of my strongest values is my health. When I am jeopardizing my health by not getting the proper nutrition, exercise and sleep that impacts all other facets in my life and I am knocked out of balance and begin to fall. When planning individual goals the scripture “not requisite that man (woman) should run faster than he (she) has strength” (Mosiah 4:27) becomes my guiding mantra.

When I focus on only one area of my life I have found that the other areas suffer. Success to me is the whole and not the sum of the individual parts. For several years I experienced a bit of “fame” in one part of my life. Through that experience I found the other values that I have such as family, friends and connectedness to those who support me became second to that “fame.” When I really stopped and questioned deep inside if I was truly happy I found that I wasn’t and there was a large hole. The secret to success for me is always recalibrating my goals and striving for balance in all areas of my life.

Some of the ingredients of success that I would like to explore with you are the following: discipline, sacrifice, commitment and heart.

I have discovered that discipline is fundamental in all aspects of life. Even being disciplined in what is fun. When I was younger I looked at discipline as harsh and unbending. What I now know is that it is a gift. The more discipline I show in all parts of my life the happier I am and the more I can achieve, thus discipline is my friend. One of the great examples to me of discipline has been my 20 year-old son. He is extremely disciplined in every aspect of his life. I am so grateful for his example!

Sacrifice is something that I continually strive to improve. I find that when I become more selfish and sacrifice less, pure joy escapes me. Many times the sacrificing of my ego is often the way for me to solve challenges that arise. However, knowing what my core values are helps me determine when sacrifice is imperative. Defining those values are the driving force for all aspects of life. Whether or not you realize what your core values are you have them and make thousands of different decisions everyday because of them.

Next on the list is commitment. I have in my office a picture of a runner before sunrise running through the forest getting her workout. Whenever I get tired and feel like giving up I think about this picture and reflect on what it is I am striving to achieve. Honoring commitments bring peace. When other distractions raise their head remembering the commitments that I have made help me to stay focused.

Lastly, we must remember the heart. You may be wondering why I list this trait. I love people. I love meeting and connecting with them. I guess you may also call this passion. But the secret to my success has been the heart and passion I have put into my work, family, relationships and life. When my heart is broken I go through a grieving process but as I am going through that process I ask myself what can I learn from this situation and how can I be better and apply my heart next time.

Success becomes a private definition for each one of us. Everyone, and I mean everyone, is successful in ways uniquely to them. The secret is to discovering what it is for you and what makes you successful. As I opened the vault of my psyche to you are you ready to explore your own vault? Here’s to a happy opening.

Uncover the Incredible You!

uncover the incredible you

Do you realize how incredible you are? Perhaps you have forgotten. Just for a few minutes we are going to focus on you. All 75 trillion cells that make up the “incredible you.” Let’s UNCOVER!

When you hold a child for the first time aren’t you astounded at the beauty and possibility in that tiny body? Why is it that when we are children we have no limits on our imaginations of what we can do or who we will be?

As adults, we must acquire those childlike attributes again if we are to ever accomplish our deepest dreams and desires.

Words, such as faith, confidence and vision are all powerful words. They are only words if we don’t put them into action.

How many of you set goals at the beginning of a new year? How many of you have accomplished some of those goals already?

Often times, our past impacts our future steps.

There was a young girl born into poverty to a single mother. This young girl was raped at age nine and became pregnant at age 14 and the baby died in infancy. This woman could have let her past records of being a victim and succumbing to the attitude of “this must be my lot in life.” But she did not. In fact, this woman is worth over 2.7 billion dollars today. This woman, if you haven’t already guessed is Oprah Winfrey.

Oprah could have let her past impact what she could have potentially become. She didn’t just survive life she put it behind her and thrived. She is an incredible example of uncovering her potential.

What is your potential? Have you given up on it? Are you exploring what exactly “it” is?

There is a scripture in the New Testament of the Holy Bible in 2nd Timothy Chapter 1 verse 7 which reads: “For God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power, and of love and of a sound mind.”

We have it within each one of us the potential to do and be an incredible power and force for good. You may have already begun to see that in your life. I truly hope so.

Each of us is born beautiful. We are! Remember when you see and hold a newborn – what it is you feel? As life unwinds for each of us, we may forget about the beauty within.

I have a wonderful friend that I knew many years ago named Susan. One evening we were together with a bunch of other beautiful and incredible women at a book club sleepover in the mountains at one of the member’s cabin in the high mountains of Utah. The conversation turned to how we viewed ourselves individually. I remember Susan declaring that she was not beautiful nor did she think she was and was “ok” with that. One of the other women made the comment about Susan’s daughters and how beautiful they are. She asked Susan “don’t you think your daughters are beautiful?” Susan answered “absolutely” – they look just like her. Even with all the convincing we tried, we could not get Susan to see the beauty that she has.

This experience haunted me. It made me realize that what we think or perceive is very important to our ability to experience joy, happiness and success. We have the power within our mind to change our reality. Our perception is our reality. What do you perceive about you? If you want to change your reality – then change your perception.

Some of you may be happy with the way your lives are going. That is wonderful! Think about why that is. What do you find about your life that gives you joy? Is it your family? How about your health? Could it be your work? Those avenues in your life that create a foundation for you to thrive such as an Oprah Winfrey are those anchors that you can hold on to when waves of disappointment, frustration or trial occur. When you look at others who you think have uncovered their full potential you may believe that they have it made and don’t experience any problems.

One thing that I continue to learn as each year passes is that we all have our own individual set of problems and issues. We have a choice, whether or not to let them define us or to greet them head on.

A very dear friend was telling me about an exercise that he recently went through. He mapped out where and what he wanted to be not in five years from now but started from the potential end of his life. He started at age 100 then worked back to the age he is now. This exercise was powerful because it puts into focus what is most important. Whether or not we achieve what we lay out is not as important as the process itself.

We may have a tendency to let life just happen to us rather than taking life by the steering wheel and driving the journey to where we want to go.

This potential is in each one of us.

You are each incredible individuals. You are destined for greatness. You each have a mission that only you can perform.

Any time you forget about how incredible you are – think about your why, think about your legacy; then go and do the impossible. For your journey is the possible just waiting to happen.