As birthdays, New Years and transitional events such as graduation, job changes, death, marriage, or divorce occur we have choices.
You can either:
a. focus on the negative aspects
b. stir yourself up with worry
c. embrace the moment and look for the never ending possibilities and opportunities.
One of the past conferences I presented at had an author who spoke of the possibilities and endless opportunities. When I was listening to this presenter I was awestruck with his passion and love that emanated from his eyes. I felt the power of his words.

We may feel like the world has let us down. If you take a chance and find the possibilities that exist, you will have a happier business and life. Stuff happens and challenges are a part of life, but looking for the possibilities; it is where our internal power muscles will grow and expand.
Often when a New Year approaches it is a great time to take stock of what was accomplished in the past year and what the possibilities are for the next. Those possibilities 9 times out of 10 touch another human being. Staying connected and engaged to influencers and decision makers will speed the potential opportunities along in whatever you decide to pursue.
Social media is an incredible tool, and if used with a well thought plan, can assist in maintaining contact and achieving your goals. The more you give the more you receive. Keep an abundance mentality. Care less about being in control or the perception of losing control. Take more risks. With more risks comes more opportunities, growth and happiness.
I was blessed to achieve a lifelong dream of moving to the beach. I was born and raised on a farm in humble circumstances. I have experienced financial loss and gain, but I knew deep down that achieving this goal of moving to the water was possible, and more importantly, believed to be probable.
I share this with you because I’m a true believer of nothing is impossible. I was raised with this basic principle. I was also raised with a strong work ethic. It has recently occurred to me that as I reach for the next possibility that I should record those goals and dreams that I have achieved. By physically putting pen to paper and reflecting on what I have achieved provides me hope, drive and inspiration on how to achieve the next goals.
You can start on this journey by doing what Benjamin Zander advises, “give yourself an A.” There is no failure – there is only experience. And with that experience comes wisdom. If we have already achieved an “A” then we can be in the moment and engage totally without the pressure or fear of failing.
Lastly, when you experience a challenge or set-back use these two words to turn it around, “how fascinating!”
What possibilities are there for you?