Coping with Stress

Do you ever get stressed? What is your strategy for coping with it? I would love to hear in the comments below. In this week’s tip, learn what I do in order to cope with stress. You might even notice how what I do changes with the stress of being on camera!

No matter what type of personality you have – stress is inevitable. You may be wearing lots of “hats,” and you have the power to regulate how you let life’s happenings impact you. This is a tip that I have to remind myself to do. When I do it, I’m immediately calmer and ready to tackle the next challenge of the day.

Thanks for watching Linda’s tips. These tips will assist you in uncovering, realizing and accomplishing your potential. Sign up today for our FREE Newsletter @

Music provided by FREESFX
Linda H. Yates – The Image Energizer is a highly-sought Keynote Speaker, Executive Coach and Corporate Trainer. She has produced over 250 educational seminars on helping individuals and businesses uncover, realize and accomplish their goals. Host of The Executive Edge podcast and author of Beyond the Clothes and the audio course and workbook 6 Steps to ENERGIZE Your Personal Brand, Linda Yates believes that NOTHING is Impossible!

Colors that Highlight You

What colors do you like to wear? Why do you like them? Linda Yates, The Image Energizer shares a tip on how to choose the right color with the appropriate undertone.

There gold or blue undertones in every color. The secret to finding the right undertone for you is to see how your skin, eyes, and/or teeth look with either of the undertones.

Picking the right color for all of the clothes you wear is the key to a positive, confident and professional image.

Thanks for watching Linda’s tips. These tips will assist you in uncovering, realizing and accomplishing your potential. Sign up today for our FREE Newsletter @

Music provided by FREESFX
Linda H. Yates – The Image Energizer is a highly-sought Keynote Speaker, Executive Coach and Corporate Trainer. She has produced over 250 educational seminars on helping individuals and businesses uncover, realize and accomplish their goals. Host of The Executive Edge podcast and author of Beyond the Clothes and the audio course and workbook 6 Steps to ENERGIZE Your Personal Brand, Linda Yates believes that NOTHING is Impossible!

Fitness Tip

What do you do to take care of you? Fitness is a big part of reaching our potential in everything else we do. This week’s tip focuses on how a rest week in your fitness routine can be the catalyst to improve your daily fitness routines.

Thanks for watching Linda’s tips. These tips will assist you in uncovering, realizing and accomplishing your potential. Sign up today for our FREE Newsletter @

Music provided by FREESFX
Linda H. Yates – The Image Energizer is a highly-sought Keynote Speaker, Executive Coach and Corporate Trainer. She has produced over 250 educational seminars on helping individuals and businesses uncover, realize and accomplish their goals. Host of The Executive Edge podcast and author of Beyond the Clothes and the audio course and workbook 6 Steps to ENERGIZE Your Personal Brand, Linda Yates believes that NOTHING is Impossible!

Open Body Language

Do you ever get nervous when networking, speaking or meeting someone new? Linda Yates, The Image Energizer shares how your body language can calm you down and make you feel more confident.

Your body language is always broadcasting to others and even more importantly to yourself. Watch this tip on the power of open body language and implement it today in all you do.

Thanks for watching Linda’s tips. These tips will assist you in uncovering, realizing and accomplishing your potential. Sign up today for our FREE Newsletter @

Music provided by FREESFX
Linda H. Yates – The Image Energizer is a highly-sought Keynote Speaker, Executive Coach and Corporate Trainer. She has produced over 250 educational seminars on helping individuals and businesses uncover, realize and accomplish their goals. Host of The Executive Edge podcast and author of Beyond the Clothes and the audio course and workbook 6 Steps to ENERGIZE Your Personal Brand, Linda Yates believes that NOTHING is Impossible!

Clothes That Fit

Wearing clothes that fit will go a long way in improving your personal image and brand. Fit is key to building a polished and put together look. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on clothes to create an impactful professional look. The secret is in the fit of each clothing item. Do not wear clothes that are too tight, that show bulges, and also avoid wearing clothes that are too loose.

Sometimes it is easy to get sidetracked into thinking that the size is the important factor. When you purchase the appropriate size for your body, and then go the extra mile if needed to invest in having your clothes tailored, you will create the most pleasing look possible. By having your clothes tailored, you will look like you have lost weight and are in better shape.

When your image is polished and put together you will have more confidence and your words become more impactful.

Go through your closet today and purge those clothes that don’t fit! Happy shopping tomorrow!

Thanks for watching Linda’s tips. These tips will assist you in uncovering, realizing and accomplishing your potential. Sign up today for our FREE Newsletter.

Music provided by FREESFX


Linda H. Yates – The Image Energizer is a highly-sought Keynote Speaker, Executive Coach and Corporate Trainer. She has produced over 250 educational seminars on helping individuals and businesses uncover, realize and accomplish their goals. Host of The Executive Edge podcast and author of Beyond the Clothes and the audio course and workbook 6 Steps to ENERGIZE Your Personal Brand, Linda Yates believes that NOTHING is Impossible!

Conquer Fear

What frightens you? Do you get nervous before meeting with your boss? How about giving a presentation? Linda Yates, The Image Energizer shares how you can conquer fear. One sentence will make all of the difference.

Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel in order to get all the latest tips to energize your image so that you can uncover, realize and accomplish your potential.

Thank you for watching this tip! Sign up for more image and success tips here @ – Have a wonderful day!

Music provided by FREESFX


Linda H. Yates – The Image Energizer is a highly-sought Keynote Speaker, Executive Coach and Corporate Trainer. She has produced over 250 educational seminars on helping individuals and businesses uncover, realize and accomplish their goals. Host of The Executive Edge podcast and author of Beyond the Clothes and the audio course and workbook 6 Steps to ENERGIZE Your Personal Brand, Linda Yates believes that NOTHING is Impossible!

Linda’s Tips: How Color Influences Us

Color has more power than we realize. Color influences the way we feel and how others see us and how we see ourselves. There is an energy that is emitted from the various colors all around us.

Have you ever noticed that when you walk into a room that is painted in a light baby blue tone that it feels cooler than walking into a room that is painted yellow. The energy the color puts off is tangible and used in all the marketing around us.

What are the colors you wearing saying about you? What do you want spoken about you? Color has great power and influence. It can recharge your mind, give you clarity or make your heart beat faster.

Take time to visit your closet and your marketing materials today to gage what the colors that are in your wheelhouse saying to the world.

Thanks for watching Linda’s tips. These tips will assist you in uncovering, realizing and accomplishing your potential. Sign up today for our FREE Newsletter!

Life and Business Planning

Zen Garden

If you don’t design your life or business someone else will. This past week I made a renewed effort to engage in business planning. It is amazing me every time I set aside time to engage in life and business planning, distractions come flying at me.

These are the strategies I employ that you might want to add in your planning process:

1. Thinking place. Where do you go to think, plan and dream? I have a few spots. The key in picking a spot is that you turn away from and turn off distractions. Perhaps some classical music would help calm you as it has been identified to increase brain activity. This helps me when I need to really focus.
2. Put it on your calendar. Years ago I took a management consulting course and the instructor stressed the practice of scheduling time to plan each month. In that planning time working on your life and business plan makes sense as it gives you time to reflect on your goals, purpose and values.
3. Just start writing. If you haven’t created a business plan in the past and feel a bit intimidated the secret is to just start writing. That is the whole purpose. You can change edit, add, and subtract from your document it is your plan. You are designing your life and business.
4. Break it up. By chunking the process you will feel motivated to tackle one thing and the momentum will breed tackling the next step. Before you know it your plan will be drafted.
5. Remember this is a living document. Once you have it completed and even while drafting keep in mind that it is not set in stone. Circumstances change, markets expand and contract. This plan is a guide and the navigational tool for success.

Your goals, objectives and dreams are possible when you put some focus and energy into planning. The next step: working the plan.