Change with Enthusiasm

Change is inevitable. Change greeted with enthusiasm is self-empowering. I’ve reflected on the past several months as changes have twirled around me. My father passed away. I cleaned out my family home and said goodbye to my youth. My oldest son married a woman that has a three-year-old, making me a Grandmama! My youngest entered the army and got engaged. I started a project assisting law enforcement, and we got out of debt. Throughout these changes I felt a multitude of emotions. What a roller coaster of highs and lows!

The constant thread has been my perspective. I am still grieving and I’m humbled at the goodness life has to offer. I heard Stephen Covey once said “people don’t fear change, but rather uncertainty.” That is true. Here are some suggestions on how you can embrace change with enthusiasm:

1. Ask what am I supposed to be learning?
2. What are the positives?
3. What do I need to let go of?

What am I supposed to be learning? This is a question that puts the control in your hands on how you view the changes happening around you. When you ponder what you are learning your mindset is that of a “victor” rather than a “victim.”

What are the positives? Human responses tend to go to the negative rather than the positives. Even if you feel that there aren’t any positives strive to find “what” could be a positive and dwell on that outcome.

What do I need to let go of? Moving through a change by letting go of what could be holding you back becomes the catalyst like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly.

Change is exciting, exhilarating and empowering. You have a choice to either embrace or fight. I know that if you put in place these questions in every change that takes your breath away you will grow in confidence. Enthusiasm breeds enthusiasm. Every part of your life is energized.

TEE 021: How To Coach Others – Linda Yates

Businessman blowing whistle

In episode 21 of The Executive Edge I will share with you how to coach others. A few weeks ago I was asked the question of what I do. A great question and it made me think about the coaching process. We all have different occasions where we may be assisting others in their role to accomplish a specific task or solve a problem. This episode will provide best practices, the process and framework to help you in all of your coaching roles.

Whether its a co-worker, employee, child, or friend there are steps to keep in mind. As an certified professional executive coach the process has some overlap. The following highlights from this podcast will give you what you need to be successful with all you may have to coach:

3 T’s to be aware
– Training
– Tools
– Time

What is the motivation factor?

Questions to ask those you are coaching

Best practices during “The Coaching Session”
– Private setting
– Turn off distractions
– Allow plenty of time
– Focusing on the goal
– Positive and friendly mindset
– Specific reason
– Express concern about performance (your concerns)
– Impact on you and others regarding the performance
– Acknowledge and listen to what is said
– Seek ideas to solve the issue
– Discuss the probability of the suggested solutions
– Agree on the solution and actions to take
– Follow up on the progress
– Praise positive results

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