Living In Gratitude

Living in gratitude is a powerful way to live. Gratitude Journal

The saying “you get what you focus on” is true. If focusing on the good in your life and business brings more, then you have just found the secret to life!

I am grateful for the opportunities I have in my life to grow and learn. As I reflect on my journey it amazes me the thread that has been woven into the tapestry. I grew up in farming country. Going to town meant a 10-mile drive to get groceries and supplies. I am grateful for the opportunity of living where life was full and rich.

My extended family continues to teach me today even though I don’t see them often. I still feel their love and support. If I were to focus on how I miss them especially during the holidays, sadness would fill my heart. Instead I focus on all the lessons I’ve learned from them.

Thomas S. Monson tells us that gratitude in all things is necessary to a rich and abundant life. I have thought a lot about that over the past several months. Showing gratitude even when trials hit has given me increased strength and peace. It may sound counter-intuitive but it will work for you.

What do you have to be grateful for today? I challenge you to write down at least three things. As you use or put in place a gratitude journal your day will feel happier and lighter. More goodness will come to you. I am grateful you have taken time to read my thoughts. I appreciate the opportunity to share my insights with you.

The benefits of being Positive

smiley face

This past week I read an article from my church’s monthly magazine about a woman that was struggling with a life trial. As I read this article the benefits of being positive when everything around you seems negative came to my mind. Being positive is a state of mind. Turning a frown upside down into a smile may seem difficult but it is possible.

Today I thought I would list out the benefits of being positive. Perhaps this list will help you when you feel discouraged or down.

1. Troubles seem lighter
2. Attract more positive happenings
3. Attract more positive individuals into your life
4. Less stress
5. More money
6. Healthier relationships
7. Fulfillment
8. Better health
9. Clarity of mind
10. Possibility mindset

These benefits are immediate once you choose to embrace positivity. The power is within each one of us. We have the ability to be positive. The benefits of being positive impact us in every facet, stage and season of life. Positivity equates to abundance. Isn’t abundance and happiness what we all are seeking?