Universal Gravity

universal gravity

Universal gravity is a physical law. How do you expect to grow, profit or succeed if you don’t ask for what you want? Many years ago I was pregnant with my second child and towards the end of my pregnancy I had to be confined to bed rest. That was hard! I love to go, go, go like the energizer bunny and all of the sudden I had to stop, put on the brakes, and take care of my baby. I learned an important lesson through that experience. The only way I was going to be able to continue working and running a home was to ask for help.

The same holds true in business. How do we expect our businesses to take-off if we don’t put it out in the universe that our business even exists; and ask for what we need for it to be successful? Sometimes all it comes down to is asking for what we want and the principles of universal gravity take effect. The universe is neutral.

There is a strategy to determining who and when is the right combination. By taking time to clearly define what we want, then identifying those individuals that can help us we will be well on our way to achieving success.

I have found that when I start the momentum, the energy of that momentum builds and it takes a life of its own. It will often take time, but the secret is too START.

By following these steps, the treasure will be yours to enjoy and build upon for the future. Remember: you reap what you sow.

1. Clearly lay out your vision and define what it is your are seeking
2. Identify those groups of individuals that can use the service or business you are providing
3. Contact them often. Use the power of the internet, the phone and face to face interaction to remain top of mind.
4. Vary your messages but remain in contact
5. Always ask what they need.

Remember that often you have to give before you can get. Looking for ways to help others achieve their goals and objectives will come back to you in the most amazing and inspiring ways. The universe is neutral – all you have to do is ask.

True Joy

True Joy

Where do you find the most joy? What is joy to you? I am not referring to happiness. Happiness is a piece of joy. True joy typically involves another person besides us. Because of our inherent need to feel accepted, we need to have positive relationships with others.

You have probably heard it said that you have to give in order to get. But what about the principle of just giving, (what I will refer to in this article as charity)? What is charity? Do you know others that possess charity? What makes you drawn to that person? Let’s explore these questions, and through that exploration be able to find the secret to charity.

In Merriam-Webster’s Online Dictionary charity is described as the following: benevolent goodwill toward or love of humanity. The alternate description is: lenient judgment of others. Supreme charity is not an act but a condition or state of being.

Now that we have defined charity there are probably individuals that come to your mind. This state of being helps you endures all things. It is not easily provoked and it is patient. By exemplifying this trait we will attract goodness and prosperity into our lives. Let me share an example of one of the individuals in my life that continues to be someone that carries this enduring trait.

Her name is Anita. She was raised in a small town out west and grew up in a small family. She probably became a charitable person due, in large part, to the example of her mother. Anita has always given individuals the benefit of the doubt in her dealings with them. She has been patient when those closest to her have disappointed her. She has opened her home to strangers from different lands when it wasn’t convenient for her to do so.

She thrived professionally because she understood that her co-workers were human and that love and patience will make us all successful in the end. Because of her charitable nature, she attracted others to her. We all like to do business with people we like and who we feel truly likes us. Lastly, she has shared her mental, physical, emotional and financial resources to help others through their time of need or to help them achieve their goals.

I have seen Anita forgive others that have used or abused her, and in return she has loved and cared for them in very personal ways. I am grateful to have her as someone I can look to as an example. We all need these individuals in our lives. They give us hope, and teach us that goodness is within all of us.

By being charitable we purge ourselves of selfishness. I believe by ridding ourselves of selfishness, we are able to be more open to what life has to offer us and the opportunities that are there to capitalize and experience joy. If we are closed and don’t give, we limit our potential to achieve our goals and reach the success we dream of. With this trait we are able to expand our network.

It has been stated that successful individuals are “go givers.” They look for opportunities to give of themselves and their resources. They understand that true joy comes in giving. Why do the holidays bring out the best in everyone? Some would argue that they have become so commercialized, but I would argue that in the end people feel good because they are losing themselves in the thoughts and actions of serving others.

Charity is not the trait of someone who lets themselves be walked on or taken advantage of. Some people probably would associate charity as being weak. I disagree. It takes a strong individual who can find the good in every experience in life and the lesson to be learned.

In business, the opportunity to show charity can have long lasting effects and implications. How could you show more charity in your work? First, outline what is acceptable and not acceptable behavior for dealing with all groups such as clients, partners and employees. By developing a code and enforcing it, those who experience your entity will discover that you say what you mean and mean what you say.

By being involved in the community and providing goodwill you will attract more business and true joy in your professional life. Those organizations and individuals that understand the timeless principle that giving is better than receiving are open to change and have the ability to maneuver through trials or upsets.

Giving is one of the ways that we can breathe confidence into our organizational lives. Even as an individual we reap the benefits of giving. I have personally found that when I give, the joys, and often time’s tangible rewards, are tenfold. Being known as a “go giver” will open doors and improve your results in all you attempt to do. True joy is when we lose ourselves in the service of others.

Linda’s Tip of the Week: Listening Builds Confidence

If you want to have more confidence practice listening! Listening builds confidence. Listening also helps you become a more effective leader.

We want to be around confident individuals. When we are around confident individuals, we feel more at ease.

We all love to connect with individuals in organizations who truly listen to us. We can create a more successful and fulfilling life when we practice active listening.

You can tell when others are not “really” listening. To be an effective listener, the individual needs to feel he/she understands. This lets the one speaking feel validated and important.

Swallowed Pride

Swallowed Pride

As I dialed the phone number my heart was racing. This was a phone call I never dreamed I would be making. Swallowing my pride I began to tell my parents the latest news; my family had to move because we had financially taken too much on and we would be losing our home.

That phone called happened over 10 years ago. Now we are living in part of the country that we never thought we would and achieving financial goals that we only dreamed about. When adversity hits us it can be a gift. This gift of swallowed pride can teach us and help us grow.

Thomas S. Monson stated “decisions determine our destiny.” I continue to see this day after day, month after month and through the years that march on. Even the smallest decision can impact what our future brings us. What we can learn from this is that having a plan, and being educated about the consequences of the plan, will help guide our journey.

What do you want your destiny to be? What decisions today are putting that destiny in jeopardy?
Disappointments come, that is a part of life. What we do with the disappointments and how we let them affect us is what develops our character and gives us stories to tell.

I would never have thought 10 years ago that I would be living in a warm climate, which my personality and temperament thrives in. I watched as my family grew closer, my marriage was saved and my career exploded all due to something at the time I was judging as a misfortune. The human tendency is to ask, “why me?” but if we can turn that around and pursue “what can I learn from this?” instead, then we grow and are strengthened.

There is a brighter tomorrow and by putting pride aside we will discover more about ourselves and our world then we could ever have imagined.

Power Sources


The alarm clock rings at 4:45 a.m. on Monday morning and the week is started! As I start my workout and try to get the weekend cobwebs out of my head, the mental task lists start whirling. I am very interested in how individuals and businesses get momentum going and keep it going or what I would like to term, “Power Source.” What gets you going? What keeps you going? Do you feel stalled at this point in your life? Is your business stalled?

If we examine what things we do in our day, or experiences that we encounter that feed us energy, then we can begin to build on that knowledge. With that knowledge we can create mechanisms and/or systems that will carry us through days when we feel we cannot take another step. If we expect ourselves to be able to give to those that are counting on us, then we need to recognize what power source we need to be operating at full capacity. A good analogy is when you travel on an airplane and the flight attendant advises you to put the oxygen mask on yourself before you help those around you. Funny, how it is easier to give and wear ourselves down; yet if we make ourselves a priority we could give so much more.

A colleague of mine is energized when it is a rainy and cloudy day. She is what is termed a “cave person”. She likes it darker in her work space. She also prefers the blinds on the windows closed when she is at home. We use to laugh about this because I am the complete opposite. I am energized by the sun or rather, “solar powered.” I can be stressed, worn out and discouraged but looking out a window or walking outside can turn all of that negative energy around and I feel renewed.

Do you notice a difference when you change your sleep, exercise or eating habits? Our bodies are like an engine on a car. They need attention and maintenance. Are you drawn to positive individuals? Are you experiencing negativity in your life? The power is within you to make changes that only you can make.
Traveling across the United States and working roughly 80 hour weeks and meeting, entertaining and wooing thousands of individuals and businesses each year, it was a priority to learn where I garner power. Once I realized what I needed, the next opportunity was to be disciplined in seeking those power sources.

Some individuals feel motivated by doing deals. If this is you, do you have systems in place to increase your odds in closing those deals? The more we understand our mental and emotional makeup the more effective we can be in all aspects of our lives. If you are willing to take the challenge, get a pen and a paper and answer the following questions:

1. When do you feel the most energy during a 24 hour period?
2. Who do you feel the most confident around?
3. What is it about the individual that helps promote this feeling within you?
4. What foods do you feel energized from after you eat them?
5. What do you enjoy doing in your daily life?
6. How many hours of sleep do you need to feel like you are on top of your game?
7. What type of exercise do you find enjoyable and have experienced awesome results from?
8. What negativity do you need removed from your life?
9. What is it that gets you out of bed on Monday mornings?
10. What can you do today to change your life?
11. Who are the individuals in your life that can encourage you in your quest?
12. What is it about your work that you find enjoyable and motivating?
13. What systems can you put in place to enhance momentum?

As you answer these questions the answers may be hard to accept, but that is where true power comes from. Change is an incredible power source. Remember we are always moving, either forward or backward. May you have the courage to find the power within you!

Perception Becomes Our Reality

Perspective Magnifying Glass A few weeks ago my daughter, husband and I were discussing customer service. My daughter and husband were sharing experiences from their work days of how the customers they were dealing with would ask obvious questions or demand unreasonable requests. My daughter quipped that she had an idea for a comedic handbook on delivering customer service to individuals who test the limits of the customer service professional.

I found all of this conversation interesting because I too have been in the business of delivering customer service for over 30 years and have written numerous articles about the elements of great customer service. What I found most interesting in this conversation was we each had different perspectives. When we are delivering customer service it really doesn’t matter what the giver perceives rather what the receiver interprets.

The more we can put ourselves in the mindset of those we are trying to serve the more effective we will be. How do we get ourselves in the right mindset? We may find some days it’s easier than others. One of the best ways to keep our minds in a positive state is to look for the good in the person we are trying to serve. If we have the assumption that this next customer is going to be a challenge, then guess what? The experience will end up that way.

It is important to remember that this may be the 50th person today you have told the same information to, this is the first time this individual has heard it today. There is an art to staying engaged and pleasant. I find that when I’m taking care of myself, with enough rest, hydration, nutrition and exercise I’m on my game and the game is a positive experience.

For some individuals, keeping your cool or not becoming sensitive may be a challenge. The old saying of counting to ten in your head really works. The more we can keep our perspective as close to the perspective of those we are trying to serve the more successful we will be.

Giving service is something we all do in a variety of ways. On the flip side we are all recipients of service. There have been times when I have been frustrated with the service I am receiving. The more I communicate my position and try to put myself in the position of the individual giving me service, the easier it has been to let go of the frustration and experience a positive outcome. What we perceive becomes our reality. The objective then is to control our perception.

Looking for the win/win to every experience will put joy in our heart and money in our pocket.