Linda’s Tip: Starting Over

Starting over doesn’t have to be scary. This week’s tip provide suggestions on how to embrace a new chapter. You can decide how to look at the process of starting again. Embracing the process will empower and energize you.

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Mistakes and Big Oops


Have you ever made a big mistake? My Mom would occasionally make a salad that consisted of a pear, scoop of cottage cheese and Miracle Whip on top. This may sound unappetizing to some but it is actually tasty. Sometimes when I am longing for my home I will make this concoction.

One day I made this for lunch and went to put a little paprika on it and I goofed! Instead of opening the lid with the sprinkles I opened the larger lid that you pour from. This was a big oops – see picture! No matter what we may do to prevent making mistakes, they will come.
The trick is to laugh at them, learn from them and sometimes start over. That is exactly what I did with this little salad. What mistakes do you need to move on from? Start today and enjoy the fruit of your labor.

3,000 Different Theories

3,000 Different Theories

Thomas Edison constructed 3,000 different theories in connection with the electric light. If he had given up at failure 100 what would have happened? Failure can be a gift along with the perspective gained when something needs to be changed or tweaked.

“If at first you don’t succeed try, try, try again.” This quote from William E. Hickson has been around a long time, since 1857 in fact. Many times we let the fear of failure hold us back, and we forget that persistence pays off. As we take a look at some of the most famous individuals such as Thomas Edison or Abraham Lincoln, these gentlemen had several failures before they were ever able to have a win or success.

As I learn about the different setbacks and disappointments that Abraham Lincoln encountered it provides me hope and humility. It doesn’t matter if we fail, it only matters if we pick ourselves back up and keep trying.

Sometimes the fear of failure is our greatest stumbling block. We have to look at the word fear and change its meaning to an acronym: False Evidence Appearing Real (FEAR). Faith and fear cannot reside together at the same time. So having faith and a strong belief that whatever the outcome, the journey and process of trying are where the opportunities lie.

As I look back over my life and think about the “failures” I have had I realize that they were actually gifts. Those times that I fell down and had to pick myself up again were the times I came to understand what I was made of discovered my strengths. In strength building we need opposition in order to grow and expand so to can we apply this to life. Instead of being afraid of failure turn it around and use it to move you forward.

In our economic climate, many individuals and companies are having a rough time. Each individual has a choice. The choice is to let the stumble flatten them or the choice to explore new methods. Even if you have historically been a person that when knocked down struggles to get up, whether physically, emotionally or financially, you can change right now and BREAK the pattern. Don’t let the setback stop you! Here are some suggested ways to keep moving:

1. Write out possible scenarios of how you can conquer your trial.
2. Then go to work on your plan. Work is a gift. You don’t need a job to go to work.
3. Avoid any negativity. Do what you have to do to keep yourself in a positive place.
4. Write out all that is positive in your life. Staying in the mind set of plenty will help give you momentum.
5. Do something consistently everyday to work on your plan.
6. Don’t give up – keep trying. If something is not working then make adjustments.
7. Record your progress. Keeping a journal will help you measure and analyze what you may be missing.
8. Reach out to others – serve. By focusing on others’ needs it gives us a fuller perspective and doing good will comes back to us tenfold.

When you feel overwhelmed, find stories or experiences of individuals who have overcome their obstacles. I love this quote and in fact it is a mantra in my life: “Failure is not an option.” This was the tag line for the movie about APOLLO 13. They went to the moon and so can you with whatever that moon symbolizes to you.