TEE 023: Turn Off the World and Recharge – Linda Yates

How do you disconnect? As an executive you may find that it’s hard to turn off the world and recharge. In episode 23 of The Executive Edge learn self preservation tips in order to avoid burnout.

5 Tips:

1. Take a 2-day weekend.
2. Set Office Hours – stick to them.
3. Avoid looking at your phone first thing in the morning.
4. Being present and in the moment.
5. Turn off alarms and phone when working on a project.

Bonus Tips:
Taking breaks throughout the day.
Lay out your vacation time for the year in your strategy planning. This is a great tip that Gary Keller from Keller Williams speaks about.

Achieving your goals is not a sprint but rather a marathon. Keeping this in mind will assist you in reaching your potential.

Turning off the world and recharging your batteries will assist you in accomplishing more than you thought possible. What 3 things are you going to do this week in order to recharge?

Thank you for listening to The Executive Edge podcast! Please leave a question so that we can address it on the podcast so that you can uncover, realize and accomplish your potential! Nothing is impossible!

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