
If you want more positivity in your life then you can achieve that goal today by turning off the news! Yes it’s good to be informed, but if you get distracted from achieving your winning edge then avoiding the headlines is your key to success.

I realized this years ago. I was a news junkie. What I began to realize though is it was impacting my attitude and profitability. By turning off the news and focusing on positivity I am able to stay clear in my mind and heart. Light attracts light. Just as avoiding negative individuals paves the way to untapped potential. Positive individuals on the other hand should be your quest.

You always have a choice to seek out positivity or negativity. Think about today how negativity has thwarted your growth. Staying in a winning edge mindset will open your world of possibilities without end.

Try it today – turn off the news and let positivity flow freely into your life!

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The benefits of being Positive

smiley face

This past week I read an article from my church’s monthly magazine about a woman that was struggling with a life trial. As I read this article the benefits of being positive when everything around you seems negative came to my mind. Being positive is a state of mind. Turning a frown upside down into a smile may seem difficult but it is possible.

Today I thought I would list out the benefits of being positive. Perhaps this list will help you when you feel discouraged or down.

1. Troubles seem lighter
2. Attract more positive happenings
3. Attract more positive individuals into your life
4. Less stress
5. More money
6. Healthier relationships
7. Fulfillment
8. Better health
9. Clarity of mind
10. Possibility mindset

These benefits are immediate once you choose to embrace positivity. The power is within each one of us. We have the ability to be positive. The benefits of being positive impact us in every facet, stage and season of life. Positivity equates to abundance. Isn’t abundance and happiness what we all are seeking?