Executive Presence Speech Opening Tip #3

Want to increase your executive presence while speaking? This is tip #3 on how to open or start a speech and illustrate executive presence in the most polished way possible. The most engaging way to open a speech as an executive is to tell a story.

If you missed tip #1 and tip #2 you can access via this blog or on YouTube.

Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel in order to get all the latest tips to energize your image so that you can uncover, realize and accomplish your potential.

Thank you for watching this tip! Sign up for more image and success tips here @ www.LindaHYates.com – Have a wonderful day!

Executive Presence Speech Opening Tip #2

As an executive you will have to present or give a speech. This week you will learn the 2nd tip when starting your presentation. You don’t have to be an executive to use these strategies.

The second tip is to: Open With A Startling Statistic – this is a great way to engage your audience right out of the gate. As you open with a statistic, pause for just a couple of seconds to let it sink in. Then move forward with your presentation.

Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel in order to get all the latest tips to energize your image so that you can uncover, realize and accomplish your potential.

Thank you for watching this tip! Sign up for more image and success tips here @ www.LindaHYates.com – Have a wonderful day!

Executive Presence Speech Opening Tip #1

Nervous about speaking in front of your board? Want to sound articulate to other executives? This is tip #1 of 3 tips on how to open a speech or presentation. You don’t have to be an executive to use these strategies.

The first tip is to: Open With A Question – this get’s your audience’s attention quickly. As you open with a question pause for just a couple of seconds to let it sink in. Then move forward with your presentation.

Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel in order to get all the latest tips to energize your image so that you can uncover, realize and accomplish your potential.

Thank you for watching this tip! Sign up for more image and success tips here @ www.LindaHYates.com – Have a wonderful day!

Systems Magnify Productivity


There are lots of ways to do our tasks from day-to-day. The most efficient path is through systems. Systems have the power to magnify our productivity in every task we undertake. You may not think that you use systems throughout your day. If I were to follow you around all day, (not in a creepy kind of way), I bet we would find all sorts of systems you have implemented. You might not even realize it.

When I moved to Florida years ago I stayed with a friend and they had in their entryway a plate for keys to go. I thought what a great idea! We instituted this process. As we come in and out throughout the day we drop our keys on the plate. This has solved the problem of searching for keys when running out the door to an appointment.

Another system is to park your car in roughly the same place or area each day you go to work. That solves having to look for your car at the end of the day. This is a simple example of daily systems to create efficiency.

Having systems in your business is smart. Implementing checklists is even smarter. I read this great book called “The Checklist Manifesto” by Atul Gawande. In it he explores how checklists are important for every type of business. I have been utilizing checklists and the stress reduction has been awesome!

As I continue to grow and evolve these systems will be a critical piece of my business to grow. As new vendors and employees come to work with me the learning curve shortened. Systems give you clarity so that you can spend your time in more creative ways.

I challenge you to put in place systems. You can also change or drop them but having them will free you up to do more of what you want to do.

Breaking Through Barriers

What barriers do you need to break through? What is holding you back from achieving the goals you seek? Linda H. Yates The Image Energizer shares how breaking through barriers is the path to success.

As an adult I started on a journey to improve my smile. I got braces at age 47! Little did I know at that time what challenge it would be to correct my smile. Confidence is the underlying principle to reaching all of our goals. These past two years has been a hit on my self-image. I realized that I was letting my self-conscious thoughts of the braces I’m wearing impact my stepping out and achieving my goals. This has been a self imposed mental barrier.

One of the best ways to experience a breakthrough is to list how holding back from reaching to achieve your goals is affecting you. Keeping your mindset in a possibility framework will aid you in uncovering, realizing and accomplishing your potential.

If you desire more executive presence then breaking through your self-imposed mental barriers is the answer.

Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel in order to get all the latest tips to energize your image so that you can uncover, realize and accomplish your potential.
Thank you for watching this tip! Sign up for more image and success tips here @ www.LindaHYates.com – Have a wonderful day!

Music provided by FREESFX

Linda H. Yates – The Image Energizer is a highly-sought Keynote Speaker, Executive Coach and Corporate Trainer. She has produced over 250 educational seminars on helping individuals and businesses uncover, realize and accomplish their goals. Author of Beyond the Clothes and the audio course and workbook 6 Steps to ENERGIZE Your Personal Brand, Linda Yates believes that NOTHING is Impossible!

Benefits of Innovation

Old Computer

I am amazed at the inventions that others come up with. I have never looked at myself as an innovator. Yet, I value innovation and understand the strength it can be.

One of the things I’ve realized is that innovation doesn’t have to be big or move the earth. Even something as simple as a paperclip. Think about it. By bending a small wire into a shape that could hold a few papers together, that changed the ability to organize your paperwork.

As I have been building a business I realize that time is precious. Seeking out innovative ways to do different tasks is critical to my long-term success. I am so grateful for my laptop, phone and the internet! When I started working a long time ago, computers were slow. I would turn on the computer and while the computer was booting, I could go down the hall to pick up the mail before it had completed its process. Now, by just lifting my laptop screen I am able to be off and running to do my tasks.

Using our imagination is free and can be such a gift. Recently I met a CEO who is an inventor. His first invention was when he was 17 years old. He comes from a family of inventors. I interviewed him for The Executive Edge podcast – check it out here: https://lhyatesconsulting.com/tee-011-max-silver-innovation-way-success/

One of the ways I love to innovate is through cooking. The kitchen to me is like a chemistry lab. I love to make things from scratch. The opportunity to innovate occurs when a recipe calls for something that you don’t have. Thank heaven for Google! Thinking outside the box is how innovation can improve our reality.

Our brain is an amazing gift! The question of “what if” – is where we can tap into the possibility to enhance our life and business. I would love to hear how you have innovated. Who knows, you might give me an idea or two!


Linda Yates

What are you passionate about? How do you define passion? My definition is that my heart, soul and mind become consumed and it makes me smile. There are a lot of different things that I am passionate about here is a list:
1. God
2. Family
3. Health
4. Work
5. People
6. Sun
7. Music

I believe that when passion exists – life is easier. All the tasks I have to undertake become lighter. The question then arises: Can you make yourself feel passion when it is lacking? I believe the answer is yes! Here are a few tips that I have implemented in my daily life when I need to feel more:

1. Get curious. When my energy is lacking I try to find something that I can learn more about.
2. Balance. There are some days that I get out of balance. Those are the days I stop and take a breath.
3. Say no. When I dig to find passion and it’s just not there, I say no. That is something hard for me to do – but at times necessary.
4. Set goals. By setting goals I am able to get excited and determination grows.
5. Reflect on what I love. As I reflect on what has inspired me in the past, I have more energy for what I’m currently working on.

Passion is the critical factor in pressing forward when you feel discouraged or frustrated. Asking yourself “why” will bring you back to your higher purpose. As you reaffirm your purpose, you will find renewed strength to move forward.

Passion is the spice of life. When you can put it in place into all areas of your life then the magic is yours to enjoy!