Moving Onward After Loss With Goals

Moving onward after loss with goals. Over the last several years I’ve experienced great loss. I’ve been grieving my parents passing. My children moving on and needing me less. A location move from dear friends. Aging. Lately, I’ve realized that setting goals has taken a backseat. Have you ever felt this way? I find myself at another crossroad of reinventing myself. Here’s what I’m learning and thought you would enjoy:

1. No goals – no energy. When you have a goal your creative sub-conscious is uncomfortable until you achieve it.
2. Little goals are okay. Start working on your goal. The momentum will help you feel motivated.
3. Share your goals with an accountability partner. By being accountable you are making a commitment to your success.
4. It’s okay to change your goals. When starting down a particular path you may find that it’s not the path you want to be on. It’s okay to pivot.
5. Belief is the first step to achieving your goals. Your self-talk is the major indicator of whether you will reach your desired outcomes.

What do you want? Nothing is impossible. Reinvention can be scary, and I know you can do scary things. It’s all up to you.

Limiting Sugar

Want more Energy? Limit Sugar.

Your energy reserve is critical to accomplishing your goals. Linda Yates, The Image Energizer, shares how limiting sugar can increase your energy and change your life.

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Linda H. Yates – The Image Energizer is a highly-sought Keynote Speaker, Executive Coach and Corporate Trainer. She has produced over 250 educational seminars on helping individuals and businesses uncover, realize and accomplish their goals. Author of Beyond the Clothes and the audio course and workbook 6 Steps to ENERGIZE Your Personal Brand, Linda Yates believes that NOTHING is Impossible!

Strategies For Sleeping Like A Baby


The power of a good night’s rest will assist you in achieving your goals and dreams. I find that when I don’t get a good night’s rest my day and even week goes amuck. As I have gotten older I have come to learn the rhythm of my body and what can help or hurt my ability to sleep well.

For several years I averaged roughly 4-5 hours of sleep each night. Day after day, week after week I noticed a few things started to happen. I noticed my mind wasn’t as sharp, I saw weight gain, and became more irritable and lost a lot of energy.

Once I took a step back and began changing my lifestyle and habits these symptoms began to change. When you have young children and they keep you up at night you begin to covet a good night’s rest. Here are some of the strategies I use to promote the best sleep possible:

1. Disconnect from email and electronic devices at least 30 minutes before going to bed.
2. Eating dinner by 7:00 pm
3. Evening bedtime routine
4. Retiring to bed about the same time every night
5. After a stressful day, filling the tub with hot water and essential lavender oil.

If you want to have the best health possible, you should strive to get 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night. If you are a night owl, then start by retiring 15 minutes early and you will notice a difference in the way you feel the next morning.

Keeping balanced will be the avenue to reach your goals and objectives. Having a good night’s rest is a foundational principle in achieving balance. Happy dreams my friends.


Sunrise Daylight

If you have been following my blog you probably realized that I have a fascination with light. Light in all forms empowers and energizes me. Today I would like to share my insight about daylight.

Being raised on a farm and ranch taught me that daylight is the opportunity to work and accomplish your goals. Seasons come and go. Light increases and decreases each day throughout the year. Taking advantage of the daylight and using its power to achieve your dreams is a life skill to master.

As my children have grown up it has been interesting for me to watch them give up staying up late at night. Now I see them taking advantage of the morning to get a jump-start on the day.

Setting the habit of getting up early is one of the most common habits of highly successful individuals. Try it for the next week and watch your productivity increase higher than you can imagine.

Just as a new day dawns the possibilities are endless. Each day as we embrace the light and the power it provides, our harvest over time will be fruitful and lush. The evening will be a time to relax, reflect, and celebrate a day full of accomplishment.

Getting your hands dirty

In order to be an effective leader, you need to be willing to get your hands dirty. Jordan Zimmerman in his book Leading Fearlessly states “… I don’t have to master every skill; I just need to understand them.”

In leading your team, they need to know your expectations. They need to see that you are not above “getting your hands dirty” if needed to accomplish what is expected. Whatever it takes is the attitude of the top leaders. The top leader isn’t always top management.

Years ago, I worked for a CEO in a small business with 4 employees. This CEO was going through a business transition. While going through this stressful time, he hurt his back. Because I saw his vision for the company and believed in it – I sacrificed my will and put aside the attitude of “that’s not in my job description” and went to work in creating as much value as I possibly could. Still to this day, he credits me with the praise that I was the one who kept his business going.

I knew a job had to be done – the company needed my energy, devotion and loyalty. It was rewarding to put aside my pride and add deep lasting value. A true leader will recognize your sacrifice. A true leader is willing to sacrifice all to reach a goal.

You can lead today in whatever situation you are in. Put aside pride and go to work. You will be respected and more opportunities will come your way. An effective leader understands that when things are going great – it took teamwork to drive success and the leader credits the team. You have the power within you to achieve more than you every thought possible.

Lead out and on!

Use Fear as Energy

Have you ever been afraid to do something? I have. Fear can be a de-motivating factor that can thwart potential. We can turn fear around by facing it and using it as an energy to move forward. Understanding what fear is and utilizing it’s energy to be motivated can assist in uncovering, realize and accomplishing more than we ever thought possible.

Finding inspiration from others who have conquer a fear that you have is one way to move forward with your goals and objectives. Sometimes taking a step into the dark is where progress happens – taking that leap of faith will launch you to realizing your potential.

Thanks for watching Linda’s tips. These tips will assist you in uncovering, realizing and accomplishing your potential. Sign up today for our FREE Newsletter.

Linda’s Tip of the Week: Fueling your Energy Level

Tip of the week – You are what you eat! Want more energy? Change the fuel you are putting into your body. If we consistently remember throughout the day and especially at night when we are tired and craving salt and sugar fueling our energy level is key to creating a winning edge.

Universal Gravity

universal gravity

Universal gravity is a physical law. How do you expect to grow, profit or succeed if you don’t ask for what you want? Many years ago I was pregnant with my second child and towards the end of my pregnancy I had to be confined to bed rest. That was hard! I love to go, go, go like the energizer bunny and all of the sudden I had to stop, put on the brakes, and take care of my baby. I learned an important lesson through that experience. The only way I was going to be able to continue working and running a home was to ask for help.

The same holds true in business. How do we expect our businesses to take-off if we don’t put it out in the universe that our business even exists; and ask for what we need for it to be successful? Sometimes all it comes down to is asking for what we want and the principles of universal gravity take effect. The universe is neutral.

There is a strategy to determining who and when is the right combination. By taking time to clearly define what we want, then identifying those individuals that can help us we will be well on our way to achieving success.

I have found that when I start the momentum, the energy of that momentum builds and it takes a life of its own. It will often take time, but the secret is too START.

By following these steps, the treasure will be yours to enjoy and build upon for the future. Remember: you reap what you sow.

1. Clearly lay out your vision and define what it is your are seeking
2. Identify those groups of individuals that can use the service or business you are providing
3. Contact them often. Use the power of the internet, the phone and face to face interaction to remain top of mind.
4. Vary your messages but remain in contact
5. Always ask what they need.

Remember that often you have to give before you can get. Looking for ways to help others achieve their goals and objectives will come back to you in the most amazing and inspiring ways. The universe is neutral – all you have to do is ask.

Passion for Life

My Mother taught me how to live a passionate life.
Passion comes in many shapes and sizes. When you hear the word passion, you may automatically picture your relationship or a visual may be created in your mind. If you were sitting with a therapist and he or she asked you to respond through word association you might blurt out a hobby or your work. Perhaps a material item would be the first word you would utter. Passion is unique to each one of us.

Here are five questions that I would like you to give some thought to. If you grab a pen and paper and write down your answers you will be able to apply an individual message:

1. What comes to your mind when you hear the word passion?
2. What do you have passion for?
3. How would passion help you achieve your goals?
4. Who is someone in your life that exudes passion and what can you learn from them?
5. What are some things you can do to help reignite passion for those areas in your life that are most important to you?

Some may believe that they are passionless, that life is a routine. I would challenge that thought and pose the question of what brings about a smile or a lightness to your heart? That is the beginning seed of passion.
I have gone through cycles in my life where I exuded more passion for something or someone. Typically I can think about what triggered that increase. When I identify that trigger I can recreate it to experience that deeper passion that I desire.

I love observing individuals who show passion for their work. I am blessed to work with such incredible human beings. I will never forget participating in a worldwide conference where I was able to observe the leaders of my organization present to a group of 20,000 individuals. They radiated an intensity and passion for life as they participated in the conference and as they listened to each other present. Such intensity or passion has been the success of these individuals.

There may be some things in your life or business that may be drudgery. However, if you can focus your energy on those things you have passion for the balance of your life will be filled with more of the things you desire. We attract those things we think about. If you are not happy with something, take the steps to change it.

The secret to life is passion and living in the moment.